DN15 range

NiTech Solutions DN15 실험실 장비 제품군은 다양한 반응 및 결정화를 수행할 수 있습니다. DN15 제품군은 고체, 액체 및 기체를 처리할 수 있으며 화학, 제약, 생화학, 바이오 연료, 식음료 등 다양한 산업에 적합합니다.

DN15는 '실험실 규모'라고 불리지만 일부 애플리케이션의 경우 파일럿 또는 풀스케일로 간주될 수 있습니다.

DN15 제품군은 다음 옵션과 함께 사용할 수 있습니다.

+ 공정 분석 기술을 연결하기 위한 추가 인터페이스

화학 물질/화합물을 여러 번 추가할 수 있는 추가 피드 칼라

+ 고온 재킷 옵션(최대 150°C)


  • + 1.25L volume and 7m long
  • + Typical residence time is 30 minutes at a nominal flow rate of 40 ml/min
  • + Both straights and bends are jacketed
  • + Size: W1110 x D800 x H1010mm


  • + 2.5L volume and 14m long
  • + Typical residence time is 60 minutes at a nominal flow rate of 40 ml/min
  • + Both straights and bends are jacketed
  • + Size: W1110 x D800 x H1010mm


  • + 3.5L volume and 20m long
  • + Typical residence time is 90 minutes at a nominal flow rate of 40 ml/min
  • + Both straights and bends are jacketed
  • + Size: W1110 x D800 x H1350mm


  • + 1.5L to 2.5L volume
  • + DN15 Compact is available with the same reactor geometries as the DN15 Lite and DN15 Standard models but occupies a significantly smaller footprint of W930 x D480 x H1010mm
  • + Due to the compact size, optional extras such as peristaltic pumps are not available for this unit


  • + 3.5L volume and 20m long
  • + Typical residence time is 90 minutes at a nominal flow rate of 40 ml/min
  • + Operating pressure: ambient to 10.0 BarG (to 25.0 BarG as a paid option)
  • + Temperature range: 0°C to 150°C
  • + W2050 x D1000 x H1155mm


The above DN15 models are available in the MAX Series, providing a complete COBR/C system with the required ancillary equipment (pumps, valves, heater/ chillers etc) and a single interface control system capable of remote operation.

  • + 2.5L volume and 14m long
  • + Typical residence time is 60 minutes at a nominal flow rate of 40 ml/min
  • + Both straights and bends are jacketed
  • + Size: W1110 x D800 x H1010mm
  • + Skid mounted option: W2600mm x D1250mm x H2050mm (approx)

*Compared with the DN15 standard, this system has additional capability in the form of auxiliary equipment (pumps, heaters, valves etc.), which is integrated and controllable using a single user-friendly interface