Trabecular Meshwork
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Citicoline Eye Drops Protect Trabecular Meshwork Cells from Oxidative Stress Injury in a 3D In Vitro Glaucoma Model
Vernazza S., et al., Int J Mol Sci. (2022)
Citicoline Eye Drops Protect Trabecular Meshwork Cells from Oxidative Stress Injury in a 3D In Vitro Glaucoma ModelVernazza S., et al., Int J Mol Sci. (2022)
An Advanced In Vitro Model to Assess Glaucoma Onset
Saccà S. C., et al., ALTEX (2020)
An Advanced In Vitro Model to Assess Glaucoma OnsetSaccà S. C., et al., ALTEX (2020)
An Innovative In Vitro Open-Angle Glaucoma Model (IVOM) Shows Changes Induced by Increased Ocular Pressure and Oxidative Stress
Vernazza S., et al., Int J Mol Sci. (2021)
An Innovative In Vitro Open-Angle Glaucoma Model (IVOM) Shows Changes Induced by Increased Ocular Pressure and Oxidative StressVernazza S., et al., Int J Mol Sci. (2021)
Assessment of an in vitro physiological relevant model to check therapeutic strategies for glaucoma
Tirendi S., et al., Biomedical Science and Engineering (2019)
Assessment of an in vitro physiological relevant model to check therapeutic strategies for glaucomaTirendi S., et al., Biomedical Science and Engineering (2019)
Glaucoma model: one step ahead with in-vitro models
White Paper
Glaucoma model: one step ahead with in-vitro modelsWhite Paper
Can Polyphenols in Eye Drops Be Useful for Trabecular Protection from Oxidative Damage?
Saccà S. C., et al., J Clin Med. (2020)
Can Polyphenols in Eye Drops Be Useful for Trabecular Protection from Oxidative Damage?Saccà S. C., et al., J Clin Med. (2020)
Risk Factors for Retinal Ganglion Cell Distress in Glaucoma and Neuroprotective Potential Intervention
Vernazza S., et al., Int J Mol Sci. (2021)
Risk Factors for Retinal Ganglion Cell Distress in Glaucoma and Neuroprotective Potential InterventionVernazza S., et al., Int J Mol Sci. (2021)