FSEM   ㅣ   SEM4000Pro

Analytical field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) equipped with a high-brightness long-life Schottky field emission electron gun

With the three-stage condenser electron optics column design for beam currents up to 200 nA, SEM4000Pro delivers advantages in EDS, EBSD, WDS, and other analytical applications. The system supports low vacuum mode as well as a high-performance low-vacuum secondary electron detector and retractable backscattered electron detector, which can help directly observe poorly conductive or even non-conductive samples.

Standard optical navigation mode and an intuitive user operation interface make your analysis work easy.

Technical Highlights

  • Equipped with high brightness and long-life Schottky field emission electron gun
  • High resolution of 0.9nm at 30 kV
  • Three-stage condenser lens design, wide beam current adjustable range with max beam currents up to 200 nA
  • Standard low vacuum mode, high-performance low vacuum secondary electron detector, and retractable backscattered electron detector
  • Non-immersion magnetic field free objective lens design, can directly observe magnetic specimens
  • Standard optical navigation mode

SEM4000Pro Image Gallery

FESEM SEM4000Pro Specifications
Key Parameters
High Vacuum0.9 nm @ 30 kV, SE
Low Vacuum2.5 nm @ 30 kV, BSE, 30 Pa

1.5 nm @ 30 kV, SE, 30 Pa

Acceleration Voltage
0.2~30 kV
1~1,000,000 x
Electron Gun Type
High Brightness Schottky Field Emission Electron Gun
Specimen Chamber
Vacuum System
Fully Automated Control
Low Vacuum (optional)Max 180Pa
Dual Cameras (optical navigation + chamber monitor)

X=110 mm, Y=110 mm, Z=65 mm

T: -10*~+70°, R: 360°

Detectors and Extensions

Everhart-Thornley Detector (ETD)

Low Vacuum Detector (LVD)

Backscattered Electron Detector (BSED) 


STEM Detector

Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS)

Electron Backscatter Diffraction Pattern (EBSD)

Specimen Exchange Loadlock

Trackball & Knob Control Panel

Operating System
Nav-Cam, Gesture Quick Navigation
Automatic Functions
Auto Brightness & Contrast, Auto Focus, Auto Stigmator