3D Printer & 3D Material
ProFluidics 285D / CADworks3D
3D Printer for MicrofluidicsProFluidics 285D / CADworks3D
Clear Microfluidic ResinCADworks3D
Master Mold ResinCADworks3D
Rapid HD ResinCADworks3D
Bio-Chem Equipment
Rotary Evaporator
Glass Reactor
High Pressure Reactor
Shorth Path Distillation
Cooling Circulator & Heater Circulator
Vacuum Pump & Cold Trap Chiller
Sterillization Equipment
Lab Consumables & Materials
Lab Materials
Electrochemical Consumables
Thin Film Deposition Parts
Optical Materials
Fine Ceramics
Battery Material
PTFE Material
Glass Material
Shaking and Mixing Equipment
Cell Culture
Multi-organs-on-a-chip (2 channels)
HUMIMIC Chip2Multi-organs-on-a-chip (2 channels)
Multi-organ-on-a-chip (3 channels)
HUMIMIC Chip3Multi-organ-on-a-chip (3 channels)
Multi-organ-on-a-chip (4 channels)
HUMIMIC Chip4Multi-organ-on-a-chip (4 channels)
Patient-on-a-chip (In Development)
HUMIMIC Chip XX/XYPatient-on-a-chip (In Development)
24 pre-calibrated pneumatic connectors for optimal operation
HUMIMIC Starter 24 pre-calibrated pneumatic connectors for optimal operation
Stringent temperature control system
HUMIMIC HeatSupportStringent temperature control system
An electrifying combination of action and sensation
HUMIMIC ActSenseAn electrifying combination of action and sensation
a small research lab that allows for the automatic operation of up to 24 Multi-Organ-Chips in parallel
HUMIMIC AutoLaba small research lab that allows for the automatic operation of up to 24 Multi-Organ-Chips in parallel
The HUMIMIC AutoPlant will be your partner for extensive and complex experiments and studies. (In Development)
HUMIMIC AutoPlantThe HUMIMIC AutoPlant will be your partner for extensive and complex experiments and studies. (In Development)
The TissUse human induced pluripotent stem cell lines
HUMIMIC iPSCsThe TissUse human induced pluripotent stem cell lines
Sample Preparation
Isostatic Press
Manual Lab Press
Electric Lab Press
Manual Heated Lab Press
Automatic Heated Lab Press
Custom-made Press
Crushing & Grinding Machine
Molds & Accessories
Sieving Machine
Milling Equipment
Tablet Punching Machine
Handheld XRF Analyzer
Rubber Processing Machine
Thermal Equipment
Rotary Furnace
Vacuum Furnace
Vacuum Accessories
CVD & PECVD Furnace
Vaccum Hot Press Furnace
Atmosphere Furnace
Tube Furnace
Dental Furnace
Muffle Furnace
Electric Rotary Kiln
Thermal Elements
Graphitization Furnace